RTI 005 - Usage of Financial Inclusion Fund by NABARD for Improving infrastructure Field Value RTI ID NABRD/R/2018/51006 Date of Filing 12/10/2018 PIO NABARD Subject Usage of FIF to improve digital payments Query 1. Continue reading (300 words)...
RTI 004 - NBFC Account Aggregator licenses Field Value RTI ID RBIND/R/2018/55014 Date of Filing 12/10/2018 PIO Reserve Bank of India Subject NBFC Account Aggregator licenses Query 1. Continue reading (200 words)...
RTI 003 - Banking Fraud Awareness campaign for consumers Field Value RTI ID RBIND/R/2018/54884 Date of Filing 04/10/2018 PIO Reserve Bank of India Subject Banking Fraud Awareness campaign for consumers Query 1. Continue reading (300 words)...
Opendata from Cashless Consumer We curate, collate data related to all aspects of digital payments. We believe in opendata and these are licensed under CC0 license. Continue reading (200 words)...