
RTI Desk - RTI-005

RTI 005 - Usage of Financial Inclusion Fund by NABARD for Improving infrastructure Field Value RTI ID NABRD/R/2018/51006 Date of Filing 12/10/2018 PIO NABARD Subject Usage of FIF to improve digital payments Query 1. Continue reading (300 words)...

RTI Desk - RTI-004

RTI 004 - NBFC Account Aggregator licenses Field Value RTI ID RBIND/R/2018/55014 Date of Filing 12/10/2018 PIO Reserve Bank of India Subject NBFC Account Aggregator licenses Query 1. Continue reading (200 words)...

RTI Desk - RTI-003

RTI 003 - Banking Fraud Awareness campaign for consumers Field Value RTI ID RBIND/R/2018/54884 Date of Filing 04/10/2018 PIO Reserve Bank of India Subject Banking Fraud Awareness campaign for consumers Query 1. Continue reading (300 words)...