
RTI Desk - RTI-014

RTI 014 - Public Credit Registry - Regulatory Governance Field Value RTI ID RBIND/R/2018/55380 Date of Filing 05/11/2018 PIO Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (IBBI) Subject Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India - Regulatory Governance Query 1. Continue reading (200 words)...

RTI Desk - RTI-006

RTI 006 - Guidelines to CIC judgement structure, List of entities exempt from RTI by CIC Field Value RTI ID CICOM/R/2018/50827 Date of Filing 25/10/2018 PIO Central Information Commission Subject Guidelines to CIC judgement structure, List of entities excluded from RTI by CIC Query 1. Continue reading (200 words)...

RTI Desk - RTI-007

RTI 007 - Use of National in naming entities and special permission Field Value RTI ID MOCAF/R/2018/50794 Date of Filing 23/10/2018 PIO Ministry of Corporate Affairs Subject Use of National in naming entities and special permission Query 1. Continue reading (200 words)...

RTI Desk - RTI-008

RTI 008 - Directions on KYC, Payments Systems after Aadhaar Verdict Field Value RTI ID RBIND/R/2018/55078 Date of Filing 16/10/2018 PIO Reserve Bank of India Subject Directions on KYC, Payments Systems after Aadhaar Verdict Query Further to the Aadhaar judgement by the Supreme Court constitutional bench Please provide information on updates to rules, regulations made by RBI on the following aspects Continue reading (500 words)...